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Life's a bitch. So are you.




November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 February 2010 March 2010

date: Thursday, April 12, 2007
title: We toast to the future and we drink to the past.
time: 8:53 AM

My family and I went out last night around midnight to grab some halo-halo. Yeahboi. I woke up at 7:30AM today and found myself not interested in going out this early so what a waste man.

Anyway, hm, lets see.. What to put in this blog of mine. My life has never been complicated as it was just a week ago and I never thought I’d find myself in that kind of situation. But, I can see how cool of a person I am to be able to move on so fast. Haha. Mind over matter. That’s what I would usually tell myself. Looks like im adapting to it huh. I’ve been trying to discipline myself. This stuff has changed my horizon in every single corner. Haha! Well, I guess that’s how I really am.

I have no time to post photos in my multiply site, probably at the end of April. And oh, I won’t be able to make it tonight my dear friends; I have to go somewhere else with my family. Yeah family. Again and again. “you’re never to cool for your family."-adrian I’ll take it from there. Ü

I’ll make it up next time. *kisses*


date: Tuesday, April 10, 2007
title: Fully booked.
time: 1:10 PM

I’ve been kinda busy lately. MOA, Market Market, family get togethers. Its nice though. Ever since my aunt arrived everything became so hyped up. Haha. love it. Ill be heading again to Filinvest today for another family thing, then I’ll be meeting up with some of my aa best friends. Tomorrow is yet to be planned. Harold? Haha. Ill be gone for several days. From April 12-19, if not longer. Its almost my birthday. And im getting advance birthday blues already. Aw man. Not to mention birthday jitters huh. Everyone’s been raving about our Potipot Island getaway. Come on, come all!Ü Im just a text away friends. Miss you all.Ü

date: Thursday, April 05, 2007
title: Get a load of me.
time: 9:29 PM

Level 1(x) Smoked A Cigarette( ) Smoked A Cigar(X)Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex(X) Drank AlcoholSO FAR: 3Level 2( ) Been Dumped( ) Shoplifted( ) Been Fired(x) Been In A Fist Fight(x) Gone Out On A Blind DateSO FAR: 5
Level 4(X) Had A Crush On An Older Person(X) Skipped School( ) Slept With A Co-worker(X) Seen Someone / Something DieSO FAR: 8
Level 5( ) Had / Have A Crush On One Of YourFace book Friends( ) Been To Paris( ) Been To Spain(x) Been On A Plane(x) Thrown Up From DrinkingSO FAR: 10

Level 6(x) Eaten Sushi( ) Been Snowboarding( ) Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook( ) Been in a Mosh PitSO FAR: 11
Level 7( ) Been In An Abusive Relationship(x) Taken Pain Killers(x) Love/loved Someone Who You CantHave(x)Laid On Your Back And WatchedCloud Shapes Go By() Made A Snow AngelSO FAR: 14
Level 8( ) Had A Tea Party(x) Flown A Kite(X) Built A Sand Castle() Gone mudding(x) Played Dress UpSO FAR: 17

Level 9(X) Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves() Gone Sledding (X) Cheated While Playing A Game(X) Been Lonely(X) Fallen Asleep At Work / SchoolSO FAR: 21

Level 10(X) Watched The Sun Set( ) Felt An Earthquake( ) Killed A SnakeSO FAR: 22

Level 11(X) Been Tickled() Been Robbed / Vandalized(x) Been cheated on(X) Been MisunderstoodSO FAR: 25

Level 12(x) Won A Contest( ) Been Suspended From School( x)Had Detention() Been In A Car / Motorcycle AccidentSO FAR: 27

Level 13() Had / Have Braces( ) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream inone night(x) Danced in the moonlightSO FAR: 28

Level 14(X) Hated The Way You Look() Witnessed A Crime( ) Pole Danced(X) Questioned Your Heart( ) Been obsessed with post-it-notesSO FAR : 30

Level 15() Squished Barefoot Through The Mud(X) Been Lost-(x) Been To The Opposite Side Of TheWorld(x) Swam In The Ocean(x) Felt Like You Were DyingSO FAR: 34

Level 16(X) Cried Yourself To Sleep(X) Played Cops And Robbers(X) Recently Colored With Crayons /Colored Pencils / Markers() Sang Karaoke() Paid For A Meal With Only CoinsSO FAR: 37

level 17(X) Done Something You Told YourselfYou Wouldn't(X) Made Prank Phone Calls(x) Laughed Until Some Kind OfBeverage Came Out Of Your Nose( ) Kissed In The RainSO FAR: 40

Level 18(X) Written A Letter To Santa Claus(x) Watched The Sun Set/ sun rise WithSomeone You Care/Cared About(X) Blown Bubbles(x) Made A Bonfire On The Beach oranywhereSO FAR: 44

Level 19(x) Crashed A Party( ) Have Traveled More Than 5 DaysWith A Car Full Of People(X) Gone Rollerskating / Blading(X) Had A Wish Come True( ) Been Humped By A Monkey (by a kid pwede? Lol)

SO FAR: 47

Level 20(x) Worn Pearls( ) Jumped Off A Bridge(x) Screamed "Penis" or "Vagina"( ) Swam With DolphinsSO FAR: 49

Level 22( ) Got Your Tongue Stuck To APole/Freezer/ice Cube( ) Kissed A Fish(X) Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes(X) Sat On A Roof Top
SO FAR: 51

Level 23(X) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs() Done / Attempted A One-HandedCartwheel() Talked On The Phone For More Than6 Hours(x) Recently stayed Up for a whiletalking to someone you care aboutSO FAR: 53

Level 24( ) Picked And Ate An Apple Right OffThe Tree(X) Climbed A Tree(x) Had/Been In A Tree House(x) Been scared To Watch Scary MoviesAloneSO FAR: 56

Level 25(x) Believed In Ghosts( ) Have had More Then 30 Pairs OfShoes( ) Gone Streaking() Visited JailSO FAR: 57

Level 26(x) Played Chicken(X) Been Pushed into a pool with allyour clothes on(x) Been Told You're Hot By A CompleteStranger() Broken A Bone (and/or dislocated)(X) Been Easily AmusedSO FAR: 61

Level 28( ) Mooned/Flashed Someone() Had Someone Moon/Flash You(x) Cheated On A Test(X) Forgotten Someone's name(x) French Braided Someones Hair(x ) Gone Skinny Dipping( x)Been Kicked Out Of Your House(x) Tried to hurt yourselfSO FAR: 67

Level 29(x) Rode A Roller Coaster(x) Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling(x) Had A Cavity(x) Black-Mailed Someone(X) Been Black MailedSO FAR: 72

Level 31(X) Been Used(X) Fell Going Up The Stairs( ) Licked A Cat(X) Bitten Someone(x) Licked SomeoneSO FAR : 76

Level 32( ) Been shot at/or at gunpoint( ) Had sex in the rain( ) Flattened someones tires() Rode your car/truck until the gaslight came on() Got five dollars or less worth ofgasTotal: 76
